Xmas Booking Form


New Directions are proud to be promoting our ages 8 - 12 Irish Dance, Music and Culture Holiday programme.

Xmas Holiday Period 2024/ 2025

Week 1. Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th December 2024

Week 2:Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd January 2025

We love developing and improving children’s confidence with our programmes.

This is for ages 8 - 12 years This programme will give early years children an opportunity to learn traditional Irish Dance. We will also take children through meditation and mindset activities which will give them essential tools required to promote emotional wellbeing.

Start time 10am Pick Up 2pm 

Terms and Conditions apply.

Pick up of children must be on time otherwise will be invoiced late pick up fees.

This booking form is for Free school meal eligible children only. We will ban anyone who abuses this from the booking app and future activities. Please help us work together and help everyone in the community.

Here is How To book a place for Free school meal eligible pupils 


Here is a How to use our Dojo Login Mobile App to view and cancel your FSM holiday places. 

Just to ensure you fill out the form correctly so that it books your child on please ensure that you put the child's first and last name at the top of the form as shown in these pictures.

Here is a video showing you how to fill out the booking form correctly


What Makes us different: The teacher has been a champion dancer in CLRG organisation WIDA organisation and Adult Association of Irish Dance. She is Huddersfield’s first and only World Irish Dance Champion.

Here is our teacher in Action

The teacher is also a world Stick fighting and Muay thai kickboxing World champion and won a World Title in the form division in the Philippines in 2006 fusing Irish Dance and Filipino Martial Arts together. This beat the sea games champion.

The teacher is working with us in order to create a legacy project in order to promote traditional Irish Dance and Culture so that we can keep Irish Heritage alive. Pupils will be able to do grade examinations which offer a much healthier alternative to Competitive Irish Dance.

Here is a success story from our 2022 Holiday Clubs as featured on SKY TV channel 186


Contact Details

Address: New Direction Services. Kane Academy: Ground Floor Holy Trinity Church Hall, St James Road, Marsh, HD1 4QA

Tel: 07732801847 Website www.newdirectionservices.co.uk




First name:
Last name
Date Of Birth:
Food Allergy:
Health Issues:
Post Code :
Fathers Name:
Mothers Name:
Mobile Number :
Emergency contact Name:
Emergency Contact Number :
School Attended: