Essential Joining Deal Ninjas
Product ID: Essential Joining Deal Ninjas
Essentials Ninja Kids Joining Deal
We are glad you have enjoyed your trial period and want to now become a member of the academy.
The basic joining fee includes
- 1st year Licence RRP £39.99
- Uniform £40.00
- Starter Pack £79.99
Join today and Get your 1st grading FREE worth £30:00!
Once you have paid this fee you then need to set up the monthly fee Direct Debit fee simply scroll down the page on the joining link and return the completed licence form. If you havn't taken a form home you can fill it in on your next visit to the Academy.
NB: This Joining fee is for 1st year licence only. Licences require annual renewal every 12 months. This currently costs £30:00 each renewal. You are not allowed to continue lessons if your licence expires. In order to prevent this from happening you will be added to an annual Direct Debit by the Academy for the month it is due. Renewal forms are required to be filled out by parents / pupils at least a month before expiry.